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SJW employee fixing fire hydrant


Read everything water...博客. Scroll below to find article topics spanning from water treatment and system technology updates to conservation tips and employee news—and more.

Australian Firefighters battling a blaze. Photo provided by PBS.org.

SJW Supports Australia Fire Relief

The 森林大火 in Australia are devastating to witness. 15 million acres burnt, people who have lost their lives and nearly half a billion animals gone. 圣荷西 水 has made a donation to the NSW Rural Fire Service, which supports the New South Wales area (one of the hardest hit).

Please consider joining us or donating to one of these other very worthy organizations:

Where's the Rain?

What About the December Rains?

After our stormy December weather and a very dry January, people are naturally wondering, “What’s happening?” While no one can predict how much rain and snow may fall in the next few months, it does have many of us wondering if this variable weather is the new normal in California.

December 保护 Results  

水 reservoir with green hills and blue sky in the background

2020 圣荷西 水 利率

SJW understands your concerns about recent rate increases and changes to your water bill*. Therefore, we’ve created a sample bill comparison that identifies the changes to your bill in 2019. 

We fully encourage and applaud our customers’ efforts to reduce their water consumption, as this will always be a vital step in combating drought in this region. 然而, water conservation is unrelated to the funding required to replace, repair and maintain the infrastructure that delivers reliable, 清洁, high quality water to your home.

Gavin and friends in front of Fiji waterfall

Employee Spotlight: Gavin Devries

For most people, visiting the South Pacific island of Fiji sounds like a dream vacation. For Gavin Devries, Manager of Capital Planning at SJW, it was an opportunity to make a difference in the world by using his professional skills and education to serve his country as a civil affairs officer in the United States Army Reserve (USAR) over the summer.

Preparing for emergencies with checklist and supplies

Disaster Preparedness

California is prone to many disasters including earthquakes, 森林大火, 洪水, storms and power outages. Most Californians will experience at least one of these at some point. Being prepared for the next emergency is the best thing you can do to ensure your health and safety. As September is Emergency Preparedness Month, here are some tips to help you prepare for an emergency.

Stay Informed

Service Area Address Check

the 圣荷西 水 service area.
google map showing address